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Bankrupting on a non-provable debt

In ASIC v King, the Federal Court recognised the Court’s jurisdiction to bankrupt a debtor on the petition of a creditor who is owed a debt that is not provable in bankruptcy (in this case, a pecuniary penalty order), finding that it is a matter of discretion whether to make a sequestration order.

Trespass v Adverse Possession

The owners of land abutting the Tullamarine Freeway sought damages in the Supreme Court of Victoria for trespass and the relocation of CityLink’s noise wall after it was discovered to be encroaching onto their land. Their case was largely unsuccessful due to the Limitation of Actions Act.

Nagpal v Global Cars Aus Pty Ltd

In this case, the applicants sought certain declaratory and other relief which was, in substance, an application to the Federal Court to overturn orders made by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in relation to a dispute in connection with the domain name “cars24.com.au” (Domain Name). The respondents challenged the jurisdiction of the Federal Court to grant the relief sought by the applicants, and filed an interlocutory application seeking dismissal of the proceeding.