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Arbitration: Reasonable opportunity to present case

This recent decision of the Arbitration List judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria suggests that the requirement that parties will be given a “reasonable opportunity” to present their case will be viewed robustly by a supervising court and not through the prism of domestic court litigation

Divergence in summary disposal of cases shown by contrasting recent decisions by the Courts of Appeal in Victoria and New South Wales

The decision of the New South Wales Court of Appeal demonstrates how a strict approach to granting summary judgment still prevails in that jurisdiction. There is in pronounced contrast to the post – Civil Procedure Act landscape in Victoria, where novel claims (unknown to Australian law in its current state) need to be supported by compelling submissions in order to survive the ‘no real prospects of success test’.

Defending may include going on the attack (just not this time)

In this Supreme Court decision, Hargrave J confirmed that an Insured’s proactive conduct may constitute reasonable defensive action covered under the Defence Costs extension of a D&O Policy, depending (as always) on the Policy’s wording. However, Mr Hird could not establish that his Federal Court action seeking declaratory relief against ASADA was causally linked to the Defence Costs extension.

Not quiet on the WESTON front – estate agency mark still valid despite rebranding

Trade marks – non-use application – limited use following rebranding – website redirection and promotion of the fact of the rebranding sufficient – infringement – “own name” defence – whether good faith use of own name
Contracts – whether substantial rebranding by a franchisor a repudiation of franchise agreement