
Contractual time bars and claims for damages for misleading or deceptive conduct under s 236 of the ACL

A contractual provision which had the effect of excluding liability for damages for misleading or deceptive conduct under s 236 of the Australian Consumer Law if the complainant failed to give a notice of the proposed claim within a prescribed time limit was found to be unenforceable. Such a provision was also found to be ineffective in a “no transaction” case.

Building and Construction Security of Payment Act: Assessment of construction work and its value

The validity of an adjudication is conditional upon the adjudicator performing the statutory task of assessing the amount of construction work and its value. In the same case, judicial review in relation to the adjudicator’s alleged incorrect finding of an available reference date was pursued, but only formally in light of Lewence [2015] NSWCA 288.

Validity of payment claims solely for work previously performed but not claimed in an earlier payment claim in respect of an earlier reference date under the BCISOP Act

Will a Payment Claim under the BCISOP Act be valid if it:

  1. only claims for work not previously claimed in an earlier payment claim made pursuant to an earlier reference date; and / or,
  2.  does not contain a claim for work performed since the last reference date ?