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Powers laid bare: bare trustees, liquidators, and the sale of trust assets

This case note reviews a decision where a plaintiff, as corporate trustee in liquidation and claiming to be assignee of a right to recover a debt paid for by a guarantor, sought to enforce that right. The decision addresses the power of a former trustee as bare trustee to deal with trust assets and the powers of a liquidator of a bare trustee in similar respects.

Something federal this way comes

Citta v Cawthorn concerns the limits on jurisdiction of State tribunals (like VCAT) which are not courts of a State. The case explains the scope of matters arising under the Constitution or under a Commonwealth law. These questions are also relevant when determining whether federal courts have jurisdiction.

No Money for JAMS: the High Court lays down the law on unconscionable conduct

In a decision with wide-reaching ramifications for the doctrine of unconscionability in Australia, the High Court in Stubbings v Jams 2 Pty Ltd [2022] HCA 6 comprehensively overturned the decision of the Court of Appeal, finding that lenders had engaged in both general law and statutory unconscionable conduct in their asset-based lending system, and were not redeemed by their ‘window dressing’ advice certificates.