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United we fall: Sinking a float, responsibly

A company’s claims against its lawyers and non-executive chairperson after a failed attempt to list have been dismissed. The case offers a unique insight into a float which sunk and the gruelling hours worked by the company’s advisors, and stands as a testament to the judgment exercised by the company’s non-executive directors, who were placed in an invidious position.

Security of Payment: Primacy of contract and assessment of subsequently identified defects

The Supreme Court has emphasised the primacy of the building contract in granting a right to make a claim for final payment and confirmed the requirement for an adjudicator to be satisfied as to the ‘value’ of the works, notwithstanding that alleged defects that were subsequently identified existed at the time of a previous adjudication.

Political bulls in the China shop: who’ll pick up the pieces of a national energy policy?

The National Energy Guarantee, Australia’s latest attempt to forge a coherent energy and emissions reduction policy, had been painstakingly negotiated by the Energy Security Board, through a wide range of interest groups.  In its aftermath, how coherent policymaking can be co-ordinated in this fraught policy space remains as pressing a question as ever before.


Got a hunch? Navigating the rules of preliminary discovery

The rules of most Victorian courts permit a party, in certain circumstances, to obtain discovery of material prior to commencing proceedings. Like many rule-based tests, there can be some confusion about the requirements as well as the discretionary factors involved in obtaining preliminary discovery. The Supreme Court in a recent appeal decision has shed some light.

Mediation in Sports Disputes

Mediation in sports disputes is growing in popularity. This article reviews the benefits offered by mediation and considers how sports disputes are different from ordinary commercial disputes. The author also offers some practical suggestions for mediators in sports disputes.