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State Street Global Advisors Trust Company v Maurice Blackburn Pty Ltd (No 2)

Consumer Law – replica of “Fearless Girl” statute – discussion of “not insignificant number” criterion – copyright – whether copyright licence granted – inducing breach of contract by artist – limitations on artist’s rights – tort of passing off – trade mark infringement – whether ‘FEARLESS GIRL’ used as a mark.

Formulating a remedy for proprietary estoppel

In assessing whether the trial judge’s decision to declare a promisee’s entitlement to inherit the land was disproportionate in satisfying the requirements of conscientious conduct, the Court of Appeal in Harris v Harris identified and applied a number of key principles guiding the award of remedies for proprietary estoppel.

High Court refuses ACCC’s application for special leave from the Full Court’s decision in ACCC v Pacific National

On 8 December 2020, the High Court of Australia dismissed the ACCC’s application for special leave to appeal the decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court that Pacific National’s (PN) acquisition of the Acacia Ridge terminal (Terminal) from Aurizon would not be likely to substantially lessen competition.